Cien-Cien's World

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Thursday, May 25, 2006

our song

I'm Gonna Be Around
by. mltr

It's been so long since we took the time
to share words from deep inside us
We're in our own world spinning our wheels
but you know how I feel

since the first time I took your hand
my love for you has just been growing
You always seem to understand
You know how I am

I'm gonna love you til the end
I'm gonna be your very true friend
I wanna share your ups and downs
I'm gonna be around

When you're alone cause I'm away
don't be sad don't be afraid
I'm gonna turn my thoughts to you
like I always do

I'm gonna love you til the end
I'm gonna be your very true friend...

Catch you when you fall
Hold you when you’re down
Sharing every moment
I wanna show you all I do
I believe I’ve found a miracle
in you

I'm gonna love you til the end
I'm gonna be your very true friend...

gw agak2 maksa jadiin ini lagu sbg lagu kita
yg lucunya...
pas sebelum jadian..
gw dah ngo2 gitu
klo ntar gw punya co gw mau jadiin ini lagu
lagu gw ma co gw
eh ternyata it's him
truz hari senin kmrn dia nyanyiin lagunya buat gw
pake gitar...
so romantic...
walaupun gw jg yg nyari chord nya

my new relationship

btw gw dah punya co baru neh...

ga baru2 bgt...
dah kenal dia dr semester pertama....
truz dia ngajak jadian...

that person is mister...


love him so much...
and for the first time i feel so happy
i felt like i fall in love for the first time

kita pacaran kyk ga masi pake "gw" ama "lu"
truz...jarang panggil sayang
gw masi suka panggil mister
dia masi suka panggil "non"
that makes this relationship is so unique

kita tu kdg2 aneh jg lah
klo makan masi suka bayar sndiri2
ada ya pacaran kyk gt???
yupz...that's us...

saat gw di dkt dia pun gw masi merasa kangen
saat gw di dkt dia,
gw takut gw kehilangan dia...
takut bgt...
gw sering menangis krn bahagia
gw pengen peluk dia erat2...
pegangin tangannya
dan gw suka meliahat matanya
seakan2 matanya bilang..."gw ada di hatinya"

hahahaha...sok romantis emang
tp itulah yg gw rasain
gw emg ga bs ngo romantis...
tp saat...dia blg "i love u"
gw bs nangis...

is that love???
i guess so...
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