Cien-Cien's World

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Friday, February 17, 2006

lg males

byk bgt yg pengen diceritain di blog...
tp krn hari ini cuaca panas bgt...
bikin ga mood kepala buat nulis
jdnya say hai aja lah buat yg laen

sebenarnya pengen nulis byk...
terutama hal2 yg sring terjadi belakangan ini
tp kyknya hari ini lg ga ada mood

btw akhir2 ini anak2 suka ngeledekin gw ma lius
i wish....
people knew that our relationship is friendship
i like him just because we can understand each other
but it doesn't mean i will fall in love with him
it is true that we have same hobbies
we have a lot of commons

don't make me fall in love with him
it scares me a lot

this feeling....
don't go too far away from its place
if we don't be friend like this before
may be....
i will fall in love with him
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