my note
today is just like the other days....
td sktr jam 5 atau 6, temen sma gw telpon... dulu gw sekelas dia...
yg bikin gw heran (dan bertanya-tanya dalam hati & diri gw sendiri),
koq bs sich dia skrg suka nyariin gw????
dulu pas sma, kita tu ga deket sama sekali... bahkan pas kelas 2 & kelas 3 (kan ga sekelas), gw pun cmn hallo2 doank klo ketemu.
heran & membingungkan....
truz hari jumat klo ga salah, temen sekelas gw sms gw....
gw kecewa knp org2 punya pemikiran yg negatif ttg org lain secepet itu....
dia bilang klo gw ga mau diganggu pas weekend...
padahal gw ga pernah mencetuskan klo gw tu ga mau diganggu pas weeknend.
gw sebel.....
gw ga suka di fitnah gitu ama org lain....
don't judge me from its cover...
only because i didn't pick up the phone last week and i didn't reply the messages, it didn't mean that i didn't want to be distrubed at my weekend....
how easy he said like that...
he didn't know it hurts me....
i have sent pm to him
i said that i don't need his sorry....
i very2 disapointed with him...
i thought we will have better relationship. but now i think i can't make our relationship better than before.... may be it will be getting worse....don't blame me because all of this.... don't blame yourself because you have done it.... just blame the situation which is make us like this....
i think you same like all of the people that i have met in my life...
just judging me from my body, my behaviours, my voice and all of those that can people see
but people never understand me.... i have a lot of problems that i can't share....
i just need their understandings of me....
and i just need your understandings...
but from now on, i don't need it anymore....
just keep it for yourself
td sktr jam 5 atau 6, temen sma gw telpon... dulu gw sekelas dia...
yg bikin gw heran (dan bertanya-tanya dalam hati & diri gw sendiri),
koq bs sich dia skrg suka nyariin gw????
dulu pas sma, kita tu ga deket sama sekali... bahkan pas kelas 2 & kelas 3 (kan ga sekelas), gw pun cmn hallo2 doank klo ketemu.
heran & membingungkan....
truz hari jumat klo ga salah, temen sekelas gw sms gw....
gw kecewa knp org2 punya pemikiran yg negatif ttg org lain secepet itu....
dia bilang klo gw ga mau diganggu pas weekend...
padahal gw ga pernah mencetuskan klo gw tu ga mau diganggu pas weeknend.
gw sebel.....
gw ga suka di fitnah gitu ama org lain....
don't judge me from its cover...
only because i didn't pick up the phone last week and i didn't reply the messages, it didn't mean that i didn't want to be distrubed at my weekend....
how easy he said like that...
he didn't know it hurts me....
i have sent pm to him
i said that i don't need his sorry....
i very2 disapointed with him...
i thought we will have better relationship. but now i think i can't make our relationship better than before.... may be it will be getting worse....don't blame me because all of this.... don't blame yourself because you have done it.... just blame the situation which is make us like this....
i think you same like all of the people that i have met in my life...
just judging me from my body, my behaviours, my voice and all of those that can people see
but people never understand me.... i have a lot of problems that i can't share....
i just need their understandings of me....
and i just need your understandings...
but from now on, i don't need it anymore....
just keep it for yourself
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